CHC2D WWII Assignment 4b - Holocaust Legacy Assignment


          At this point, you have had the opportunity to examine human tragedies perpetrated by the Japanese in Asia and the Germans in Europe. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to reflect on what you have learned and what this means for you today.
          In order to demonstrate this, you are going to write a letter to a fictional victim of the tragedies you have read about. In your letter, you should demonstrate to the reader that you are aware of what they endured, why they suffered in this way, as well as show some empathy towards their plight. You will also demonstrate your understanding of these events by explaining to the reader what you and others in today’s world, such as the Canadian government, need to do in order to ensure that events like these never occur to anybody ever again.
          Your letter should include all of the features of a well structured letter:        
·        a greeting or salutation at the top on the left
·        the date that you wrote the letter at the top on the right
·        an introduction where you introduce yourself to the reader
·        the body section where you complete the content requirements of the assignment
·        a closing to the letter
·        a farewell or signoff to the letter